Endless Overflow
As reported by the EPA, Acid Mine Drainage is a result of abandoned coal mines and improperly stored mine waste. It forms when sulfide minerals are exposed to water and air and oxidize to form sulfuric acid and dissolved iron. This iron is responsible for the striking burnt orange appearance of Acid Mine Drainage water. The acidic runoff dissolves dangerous heavy metals into surface and groundwater as well, polluting drinking water.
This work represents the endless flow of acid mine drainage water coming up from one of the abandoned mining sites in Athens County that dumps polluted orange water directly into Sunday Creek. The ceramic vessels once held the polluted water that I collected directly from Sunday Creek. The purpose of these vessels was to contain the water and stop it from contaminating the surrounding environment. The vessels emulate the failed pollution control measures that have been utilized in the region. No matter what is done, the affected water still rises, harming everything in its path just like the orange waters of Sunday Creek.
The shape of the vessels is influenced by Appalachian folk pottery and folk craft reminiscent of the region. The orange color of the vessels represents a combination of the dissolved iron oxide present in the acid mine drainage water in Sunday Creek. By incorporating the running water from Sunday Creek, the work creates an immersive sensory experience for the viewer, bringing the typical gallery visitor into an environment they would not usually find themselves in. This body of work sheds light on the environmental disaster happening right under our feet and initiates a conversation about its effects on the environment and the drinking water issues it causes for rural Appalachian communities.